Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Skeleton Riding Gear For Face


The head of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo questioned the Justice for the delay in the Noble cause

The head of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto, today questioned the legal delays to clarify whether the adopted children of the owner of Grupo Clarin, Felipe and Marcela Herrera Noble are children of the disappeared, saying that "it is unthinkable that it takes 10 years to solve this case."

In an interview with Télam Morning, "which is broadcast by Radio Cooperativa, the head of the Grandmothers said," It is as if a justice for first-class citizens and another for citizens of degunda " .

"This is Mrs. Noble, a woman of great economic power and owner of an emporium of information they handle things his way," he said.

Carlotto called to participate in the march this afternoon to 18 in the steps of the Courthouse, in Talcahuano between Lavalle and Tucumán, considering that "it needs the support of all to help raise awareness and that men of justice will be moved. "

"We want to clear the 10 years he is taking a case that should have been resolved immediately if you do not have to hide what we presume crimes heinous, horrible crimes that must involve many people who do not want you to know, "he said.

To Carlotto, Marcela and Felipe were babies when they were adopted and are being held hostage by this story today," referring to theory supporting the Grandmothers indicating that both are children of people disappeared during the military dictatorship that were misappropriated by the director of Clarín.

The leader described the last 10 years of claims as "a search desperate "and regretted that this story does not end up stabbing more distressing."

To Carlotto, Herrera de Noble "appropriated two guys, we can say that because the records that the judge reviewed sensibly (Roberto) displayed evidence and irregularities Marquevich very hard."

"So he stopped because he said he had to look at the guys but it cost him the job. After Judge Conrad Bergesio delay and makes room for all the chicanery of lawyers and the judge today (Sandra Arroyo Salgado) intends to remain healthy but chicanery. "


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