Why drop opposition candidates?
By Lucas Carrasco
The or final rdenamiento grid of candidates is about to occur. Meanwhile, comedy occurs in step logic clash between corporate media and political reality legally ordered.
In the preparations, political reform was to provide effective political organizations greater autonomy, and consequent relative independence of the powers of factors and point out the path that must be favored in which there is broad consensus (political reform bill was cross-voted)
's not very complicated to understand: the construction of municipal political parties stems in municipal projects, but a lush imagination or Solanas Macri, fueled by Hector Magnetto cunning have made them believe otherwise. In the end, not "measured". In Ibope.
corporate logic seeks permanent confrontation, a sort of right-wing Trotskyists, like Altamira, dissociates the reality principle incendiary vocabulary. Elisa Carrio is best embodies this space of unconditional alignment with concentrated corporations. But it embodies not only for its ability dramatic and mystical attributes of delirium and unusual aggressiveness, but more importantly they waived the right to govern. So, then, corporate logic -Which basically wants minimal government, affect their interests, has its counterpart election today very low.
Unlike the case of those who actually intend to manage existing conflicts from the state and from politics.
's fall from grace for lack of measurement-in Ibope-Cobos and Sanz, reveals the deep cultural change in which the Son of Alfonsin do better. Largely because as the father, is interested in the political party he belongs to.
The formation of the political scene complete with marginal expression of Peronism right and with the grout management university students on vacation for the revolutionary dream that for some strange reason invoked the name of Trotsky to legitimize their profession.
Meanwhile, corporations are concentrated are resigned to the new situation and put a microscope on the inside of the Front for Victory.
The sleight predictable tensions and armed pre lists and pre positioning ahead of the 4 years to come, framework in which undisputed leadership in the FPV Cristina Kirchner, is magnified by invoking the ghosts of lawlessness, as a carousel, blurring the Son of Alfonsin, whose weak point is just governance.
The clash of the legal logics, which expresses itself unstable and changing social relations of power complex, but that also provides a framework for their development, and corporate logic, led by Grupo Clarín, "says the fall of TV columnists like Mario Das Neves, Mauricio Macri, Carlos Reutemann, Pino Solanas, Ernesto Sanz, Julio Cobos, Felipe Sola, Eduardo Duhalde, Alberto Rodriguez Saa, Raúl Castell, Francisco De Narvaez, Alfredo De Angelli, Hermes Binner, dreams of be presidential candidates.
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