Thursday, May 19, 2011

Seriove Cislo Autodesk Inventor 2008


The President met with executives of domestic and foreign banks

President Cristina Fernandez met in his office in the House Government managers of banks ABAPPRA associations, ABA, Adeba, and ABE. She was accompanied by Minister of Economy, Amado Boudou, and the head of the Central Bank, Mercedes Marco del Pont.

President Cristina Fernandez met in the House with leaders of the Association of Public and Private Banks of Argentina (ABAPPRA), the Association of Banks of Argentina (ABA), the Association of Argentine Banks (Adeba ) and the Specialized Banking Association (EBA).

accompanied the Head of State Minister of Economy, Amado Boudou, and the head of the Central Bank, Mercedes Marco del Pont.

Association for Public and Private Banks of Argentina (ABAPPRA) attended by presidents of the company, Juan Carlos Fabrega (BNA) el vicepresidente primero, Carlos Heller (Credicop) y el vicepresidente segundo Guillermo Francos (Banco Provincia).

Estuvieron presentes por la Asociación de Bancos de la Argentina (ABA), el presidente Claudio Cesario, el vicepresidente primero, Enrique Cristofani (Santander Río) y el vicepresidente segundo, Juan Bruchou (Citibank).

Asociación de Bancos Argentinos (Adeba) estuvo representada por su presidente Jorge Brito (Banco Macro); y por sus vicepresidentes primero, Antonio Garces (Galicia), y segundo, Jorge Stuart Milne (Banco Patagonia); y la Asociación de la Banca Especializada (ABE) por su presidente Gregorio Goity (Banco Columbia).

bankers stressed the good atmosphere of the meeting and indicated that proposed the creation of a working group, coordinated by the Central Bank, to advance to lower rates and stimulate lending to SMEs, the production and mortgage loans.

The president began days ago, meetings with different sectors. From Monday, May 2 received the General Labour Confederation (CGT), the Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), the Central de Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA) and the Argentina Confederation Medium Enterprises (CAME).


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