Monday, May 16, 2011

Pokemon Deluge Legendary Locations


formalize the call for primary elections and national August 14

The government formalized today call for primary elections, open, simultaneous and binding on Aug. 14, called to the polls to elect a president for 23 October and 20 November forecast date for a possible second round.

The electoral calendar was established through Decree 586/2011, published in the Official Gazette and signed by President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the chief of staff, Aníbal Fernández and Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo.

Article 1 calls for the upcoming August 14 primary that will define who will be the candidate that can finally compete in the general election to elect the president, vice president, senators and deputies.

Meanwhile, the second is formally called the Oct. 23 national and in the third article of the resolution establishes November 20 as the date for a possible ballottage.

The decree recalling "that this year end the mandates of the President's Office, Vice President of the nation, half of the members of the Chamber of Deputies and Senators from the provinces of Buenos Aires, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Misiones, San Juan, San Luis and Santa Cruz. "

Moreover, through a subsequent decree, bearing the number 587, is arranged to constitute the Electoral Command, which will be responsible for organizing and maintaining security at the polls.

Command will be responsible " surveillance of the premises where they operate the polling stations, the venues and infrastructure for the data entry and processing for the provisional statement of results that made the National Electoral the headquarters of the National Electoral Board of each district, the custody of the ballot boxes and the documents in transit and until completion of the final count in each district. "

The appointment of Major General Election will be in charge Ministry of Defence, that "subject to the General Command of the Army's Electoral Argentino, Navy and Air Force Argentina Argentina it takes."

For its part, the portfolio security "subject to the Commander General Election the staff of the National Gendarmerie, Coast Guard Argentina, Airport Security Police Argentina Federal Police and that it takes. "

addition, the ministry" will require provincial government subordination to the General Command of troops Electoral their respective security forces. "

" Mobilizing the staff concerned to election security operations will be extended from five days before the election and until completion of the final count in each district, "the decree in other articles.

This resolution is signed the President, the chief of staff and ministers Arturo Puricelli (Defence) Nilda Garre (Security), Randazzo (Interior) and Amado Boudou (Economics).


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