Monday, January 31, 2011

Clé De Nerovision-express



I get a revelation that will change your life.

Only you must know.

is very important that IT not know.

You in the 806,557,100.

Llámame cuanto antes, es muy urgente.

Un abrazo,


*Sólo pagarás el coste de la llamada: 1.18€/mn. si llamas desde un fijo o 1.54€/mn. si llamas desde un móvil.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Many Calories In A Bag Of Homestyle Popcorn?


-Ha debido de pasarme por encima todo este tiempo que el calendario cifra en décadas para comprender que la felicidad no sabe ni quiere hipotecarse, que no admite que la mercadeemos in convenient installments, which can only be acquired its full maturity of this moment, right here and right now, paying for a tocateja, risking for her recent savings and giving up the pension plans chimeric sometimes promises.
- Understand? Have had to spend all those years for you to find the words to express what you've always sensed not dare to formulate in writing. The path of understanding begins now.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Service Initialization Failed (0x065d0274)

"Everyone should write their life, because the words tell us and, without words, the world does not exist, well, every word you write can change the course of his life, because every word triggers the next. "Thus spoke my admired José Saramago in an old newspaper clipping, and if now repair it and this quote from you is to fellowship, if we accept this relationship with one of the most rewarding experiences I have attempted exercise of teaching.
For a few courses, nearly a decade, I offer my younger students, newcomers to the school, the individual writing project of his "autobiography", a work distributed in twenty chapters, which extends over six or seven months and that they make and write according to my specific instructions. According to a schedule we set in October, I guide them on how they can address every issue, we commented how they interview their parents or other relatives, consultants on how they may look to outside sources to collect data needed or how to be patient to test a draft then comes into its own in the white sheet. Then, in May, when the heat makes these writers beardless meet all the chapters (which were already corrected) and print criteria are unified (or calligraphy, if necessary) and presentation, and make them simply bind at least two copies of the result, that is, what it will be his "first book", which looks and original cover and pages numbered it features a very exclusive dedication.
I would add that, beyond the linguistic benefits that the discipline of writing behavior (from the improvement of spelling vocabulary acquisition), this project serves them to renegotiate an identity and known protagonists of their own discourse, which, no doubt, stimulates interest and increases their involvement in the task almost from the first weeks. And me, who toil each chapter with my corrective lens has helped me and helps me to know them, each one as if to check their supplies on the open book read your concerns and worries, a book often shows the blatant shamelessness their early teens, a single copy book that the future will cherish the fingers of nostalgia. Influenced by the beating
everyday thereafter each group of students each school year, I also sometimes felt tempted to join them in writing, a desire to build solidarity gradually autobiography I wrote when I never age , which allows me to reconcile my current life with the words you write it in the future of memory, because, as warned Saramago, it is doubtful that the world exists without the substantial matter of those words.
This morning, out of class, yet that has become a kind of fondness that I have never allowed, I've always postponed but whose charm do not know if I'll finish giving: the time of this blog tell the rest.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Escort Van Racking Plans


As humble language user, I noticed that, from time to time, to ingratiate themselves with their full semes and maximize the flow of suggestions it contains, the adjective splendid (and also splendid ) should be allowed to x.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Make A Small Motorboat

Someone told me long ago, as a friendly warning or generous advice, that the victim always flattered flatterer. It is a truth so obvious that it needs more testing than nesting common sense, and maybe that's why I try susurrármela myself so often, sometimes as a defense against evil spirits lurking, prays regularly clean the area that tends to boast intimísima for whatever reason. No one who wants flatter, but who picks up another vulnerability in the scapegoat of this intimísima area, that is, who happens to decipher our status as victims. We must live on, always on guard, not yield to the haughty tingling of flattery.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Ii 1

After nearly three decades, I've started this January without the traditional parts of the agenda for the new year. It has been ten days of 2011 and still not miss too much, maybe because I have not had time, perhaps because he had scored in the very agenda that would hold ten days without agenda. I must admit that I was accustomed to his company nearly constant, as if it were an extension of my arm, always there with his blade ready to warn of small everyday forgetfulness that memory is not known or not tolerated, or to determine the moments that weave the web of the future with your deposit of melancholy, with its obstinate refusal to chance. I wonder if I will have won the lazy to go look at the store or beyond carelessness, have contributed the conscious of not wanting to accompany me during the voyage for the new year. I wonder if the desire of unacknowledged limb without that my life will bring peace or unrest, the blowing air of freedom from the unmissable, or if, conversely, make me feel the irreparable orphans who can not live without parcel time at will - how naive! - like a little god povinciano, disciplined and tiny.