Thursday, May 19, 2011

Milena Velba Vs. Miosotis

THE re-election of PJ CFK CFK

confirmed today that the PJ issued a document supporting the reelection of Cristina

governor and vice Justicialismo Chaco, Jorge Capitanich said today that the National Council meeting of the party will get a call for a national congress to define partisan alliances and supporting documentation for re-election of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

"In the council meeting today, there are two important issues: a call to Congress National definition of alliances and a supporting document to the reelection of the President, "he said in remarks to FM Capitanich Millennium.

said that the text will" focus on the achievements in these 8 years implementation of this project, led by Nestor Kirchner and has continued successfully Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

today's meeting, Chairman of the Buenos Aires governor and president of the National Council of the party, Daniel Scioli, will begin at 20 in the French Room of the official residence of the Governor and is expected to involve ministers, governors, legislators and members.

"We absolutamento agree and understand that no one better than Cristina to express the continuity of this project," said the president of Chaco.

On the relationship between the government and the CGT, the governor said it is "normal" and said that "the institutionalization of the model implies rationality to the process of internal debate to ensure compliance with strategic objectives and the common good ".

As for the participation of union leaders in the lists of candidates for elections, said that in his province "is a member of the workers" on the payroll and said that for the next period of government-if win-create the Ministry of Labour.

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Of lucidity

Took a few days-indeed, almost the same as for thousands of people focusing on the Puerta del Sol and other gates of Spain, remembering the fable of José Saramago is born of a utopian occurrence: what if, after counting of ballots in a country that provides regular vote of its citizens and that's why they call themselves "democratic" is that over eighty percent of voters opted for abstention, to show the ineptitude and everlasting and the discrediting of their politicians?
is encouraging the suspicion that occasionally resemble reality like the fiction and even likely appropriates their fantasies more daring, now seems less crazy to me yesterday a dream of a youth-yes, especially of youth, which is not so numb or so blind as they say, of a youth known to be essential for the triumph of what we call progress social, of a youth seated intuition that their mass and their slogans always necessary to revive the seeds of rebellion from his grandparents, the rebellion that no one ever knows better than itself wielding youth.
I still do not know what I'll do on Sunday when I approached the casket to give the opinion that I am asked for the schedule demands it, I must be one of those undecided voters who shuffled daily polls. But what is certain is that 'll come with renewed confidence, because now I believe that all is not lost, because now I feel represented by the attitude of resistance of these young people and older people add them to shout enough is enough, and I will win the pride close to being able to finally hear from their throats the flow of outrage for so long silenced.
The unique Portuguese novel that is his approach, his knot and its aftermath. What happens next Sunday has already begun to happen, and branches in each and every one of the voices coming out into the street and express their truth and hope I get back.

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The President met with executives of domestic and foreign banks

President Cristina Fernandez met in his office in the House Government managers of banks ABAPPRA associations, ABA, Adeba, and ABE. She was accompanied by Minister of Economy, Amado Boudou, and the head of the Central Bank, Mercedes Marco del Pont.

President Cristina Fernandez met in the House with leaders of the Association of Public and Private Banks of Argentina (ABAPPRA), the Association of Banks of Argentina (ABA), the Association of Argentine Banks (Adeba ) and the Specialized Banking Association (EBA).

accompanied the Head of State Minister of Economy, Amado Boudou, and the head of the Central Bank, Mercedes Marco del Pont.

Association for Public and Private Banks of Argentina (ABAPPRA) attended by presidents of the company, Juan Carlos Fabrega (BNA) el vicepresidente primero, Carlos Heller (Credicop) y el vicepresidente segundo Guillermo Francos (Banco Provincia).

Estuvieron presentes por la Asociación de Bancos de la Argentina (ABA), el presidente Claudio Cesario, el vicepresidente primero, Enrique Cristofani (Santander Río) y el vicepresidente segundo, Juan Bruchou (Citibank).

Asociación de Bancos Argentinos (Adeba) estuvo representada por su presidente Jorge Brito (Banco Macro); y por sus vicepresidentes primero, Antonio Garces (Galicia), y segundo, Jorge Stuart Milne (Banco Patagonia); y la Asociación de la Banca Especializada (ABE) por su presidente Gregorio Goity (Banco Columbia).

bankers stressed the good atmosphere of the meeting and indicated that proposed the creation of a working group, coordinated by the Central Bank, to advance to lower rates and stimulate lending to SMEs, the production and mortgage loans.

The president began days ago, meetings with different sectors. From Monday, May 2 received the General Labour Confederation (CGT), the Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), the Central de Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA) and the Argentina Confederation Medium Enterprises (CAME).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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negotiating with Brazil, Argentina without jeopardizing jobs or any company

Minister of Industry, Debora Giorgi, said today that Argentina will not face any negotiations that may endanger a single national job.

"Let's not be naive and not going to give not an inch in any negotiation where you can see that ring the horizon to an SME or jeopardize a single job," said Giorgi during the inauguration of a industrial plant.

"The domestic market we are building together with active public policies so we must stand together", she added.

Giorgi Villa Urquiza opened today in the new industrial plant of a manufacturer of buttons and fashion accessories with an investment of $ 1 million and will replace imports by $ 400,000 a year, increase exports and generate 30 new jobs.

The minister denied any dramatic dye in these negotiations to ensure that "real defense of our domestic market will not have relationship problems with other countries, Argentina has the ability to negotiate sitting at a table and demanding that require all countries, and trade agreements to give benefits to both sides of the border, balancing value added and jobs. "

Industry Secretary, Eduardo Bianchi, will meet with his Brazilian counterpart next week Alessandro Teixeira, as agreed at a meeting yesterday between Giorgi and Ambassador of Brazil, Enio Cordeiro, at a date to be defined to deal the situation created after that nation imposed a non-automatic licensing imports of autos and auto parts from Argentina and other countries.