Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Marvel Heroes Online Birthday Invitations

Fixed Radars

Given the number of radars that are placing the DGT, is easily carried by the best intentions, we believe that any artifacts are radar we see on our roads.
I hope this little illustrated guide to help you to distinguish between true "photo booths" and other paraphernalia.

Above all, there are two types of radars:

-Fixed: As the name implies, are arranged stationary in various parts of the road furniture, frames, cabinets and lights. Since this type is given to false alerts, we will focus on it.

safety camera types: fixed radars

frames / information panels

+ Group of radar speed trap after an information panel. Care group of two / three cameras or camera + box. In case of a single camera, quite possibly not radar, but simple traffic control and surveillance:

This model is also mounted in cabinets (type 2a) and unmarked vehicles.

Type 1b (RAI model 2002)

This model is also mounted in cabinets (type 2b).

Type 1c (model gantry Speed \u200b\u200bCurb)

This type of radar is used in Andorra. In Spain, just put 5 in Catalonia. By measuring the velocity by induction bands embedded in the asphalt, are undetectable, which makes them dangerous. Also published on post.

This guy just put on the A1, at the height of 37 km to Madrid. It was not immediately known if radar or not, but it seems, and there are reports of two others in the area of \u200b\u200bAlicante:


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