Thursday, December 28, 2006

Forgetting To Take Synthroid

How to put on your Tom Tom

Very simple, just read it and see that it is very simple.

download the latest update of radar you'll find on this page here. We got a new one every week (Saturday / Sunday). Includes the new radar in Galicia, and the band induction Catalonia.


The file icons are only required the first time you install the speed camera POIs .. Get It

here and now that we have the necessary files, you need to start install:

1 .- If this is the first time: unzip the file containing the icons you choose ("") and which has the categories of radar (RADAR IS Robser vX.XX.rar ") to a folder on your PC.

2 .- After reading it, delete the folder the file "ES_R_AA_Que_hay_de_nuevo.txt"

3 .- Delete the files "ES_R_Paneles_Informativos.ov2" and "ES_R_Paneles_Informativos.bmp", as they are not radar, and will only make the TomTom beeps at you every LCD panel.

4 .- Select all files and copies will remain as is in the folder of the memory card containing the map of Iberia (Iberia_Map, though it varies depending on the version you have.) You can skip files by bluetooth, or card reader. Do not do it by activesync or PcSuite.

6 .- Finally, open the TomTom program, and active warnings for POIs, both sound as the distance in advance. Do not you know how?

course you're a rookie. Well, that is easily solved. Click here and you read pages 37 and 38 of the TomTom manual. Something will you do your part, masters, I say. A good trick is to put as a warning distance speed limit zero. For example, more than 80 put it at 800 meters, 100 to 1000 meters, 50 to 500 ...

7 .- successive updates: just have to go OV2 files, because icons are kept. Given the caveat that you will overwrite the files, agrees. And tranquil, also holds notices.


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