Saturday, May 16, 2009

Japanese Grope Doctor

For fixed-point presentations on hex. DEMONSTRATION ELEMENTARY

To avoid repeating the presentations and to be more specific, I suggest you supplement your information in the article by Gale (download here ).
The idea is to demonstrate the fixed-point theorem using hex game properties in the article is 2-dimensional case and the n-dimensional focus on the 2-dimensional case, that is short and elegant.
The property that the game is always a winner, is also shown in the article, but a simpler and more natural demostraciĆ³m, is in this article (download here ).
The other issue is the demonstration of Milnor's fixed point theorem, which can be downloaded from a previous post.
Another option is the demonstration of Peter Lax's fixed point theorem, as a result of his demonstration of the change of variables theorem. (Download article here ).


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